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Week 8 discussion question 1

Week 8 discussion question 1

Q Please refer to Chapter 9's Closing Case 1 (Gamer Delight, pg. 399) and answer any ONE of the questions below in your initial thread before Wednesday. Then, before the end of Sunday, make the remaining THREE response posts (interact with at least TWO different classmates by either asking probing question(s), agreeing with their answers, or offering alternative points of view). Either way, your replies must be substantive and through-provoking to earn full credit for your participation. Questions: 1. What are the three interdependent variables shaping project management? Why are these variables important to a video game software development project? 2. If you were consulting a business that wanted to build a video game for a smartphone, which development methodology would you recommend and why? 3. Illustrate the triple constraints role when building a new game. Why is the cost of finding errors important to a business when developing and designing video games? 4. Which phase in the SDLC is the most critical when building a video game? Which phase in the SDLC is the least critical when building a video game? 5. What are the ethical and security issues associated with outsourcing the development of a video game?

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In this week’s discussion question 1 Chapter 9 Closing Case 1 that is on Gamer Delight. The question that I have chosen is to discuss the ethical and security issues associated with outsourcing the development of Video games (Studios, 2020). Data protection and privacy are some of the problems. Whenever the development process of the game is outsourced then the producer loses more than half of his power over the product and the other property (Studios, 2020).